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Engas: The Journey from Assamese to English

 Hola Folkes.

English was a dream for me. I saw my cousins, nephews speaking a language soo fluently and writing awesome content which frequently get published in local daily. 

This journey started few years back when I was in 5th standard. My parents motivated me to sleep well and dream about my life. Many days I slept well but then I slept keeping my eyes open, where exactly the story started. 

I studied in a Govt. Of Assam L.P. school headed by my father. And after observing my good scores everyone suggested to appear in Navodaya. I started preparing soo hard for it and by that time I passed out and went to Lengeri H.S school for my further studies. I appeared in Navodaya from there but the result shocked me. I didn't find my name there. And that was the turning point of my life. I started appearing in Olympiads and scholarship exams. 

In 2015 I came across a retired teacher & officer from SSG who motivated me to study well and join defense forces. I topped in my class and my sir asked me to fill up the form for Sainik School Goalpara. I filled up and was waiting for the admit. But the problem was ENGLISH. I didn't even know to speak anything else then my name in English which was a very very weak point for me. But I appeared in the exam and before two days of Bihu the results got declared. I was sure that my name will not be there. But suddenly my father came to my school and called me. Gave a very sweet kiss and hug and along with him, my principal & staff were waiting for me to meet. I was called in inside the staff room and I can't even express the moment. 

After passing when I went for the selection test or the mock test. I was asked to read just one para of a English book and I failed to read it perfectly and completely. I opted for speaking in Assamese, and I was allowed to speak. I cried but I was helpless. 

That moment I felt where I stand. I realized my position what I am. I was shy and ashamed of myself. I came back and took a class of spoken English just for 15 days. I got very less time to stay at home. But I did it. I practiced in front of mirror, practiced loudly and keeping my altitude aside I practiced with English school junior students.

And finally when I went to Sainik school. We had our hostel introduction program and cultural bonanza. After providing 5 mins talk on that program I was adjusted as the best motivational speaker from Assam in the program. 

Language is not a great issue. But the way you try to learn it and express it is the greatest thing, which really matters. Sometimes you can speak with your eyes or your hands. Even people express with a beautiful dance. But sometimes you may fail to make someone understand in your mother tongue. 

Once my English teacher of my previous  school said me "Until and unless you try to improve it by yourself and practice shamelessly, no one can help you." That's it. 

Remember you are never ever too late to start something. Even you have not started, make a commitment to start it from right now. Have patience, gather confidence and speak out even you know "tuta futa" English. People may say that you are mad, but the day thousands people will clap on your talk then only you will be glad. 

              "Your thought is your God" 

                Thank you for reading  my blog.

                                || Jai Hind ||


Hijam Thoithoi said…
Your story is quit inspiring and I can understand the pain you have gone through.

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