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R= Rise
U= Uniformly and
M= March 
A= Ahead with
L= Loyalty 

RUMAL is a very very common word we use in our daily life. We consider it as only Assamese language word. In English we say it Handkerchief but Rumal is also a well known word at various places and language apart from Assam and Assamese. Honestly the real handmade Rumal by the weavers are one of the most precious gifts and someone can offer traditionally at a cheap cost. In few places of India it is offered to the well wishers during our cultural festivals. Women specially learn to make flowers and various beautiful designs in it which makes a Rumal very beautiful and popular. 
Professionally it is a dress code to have a Rumal or a Handkerchief in out pockets as maximum people takes fast foods with spoon and a Rumal is the perfect option to give a impression. And as a part of military discipline the militants are taught to keep it in their felt pockets after folding it. 
However, here Rumal is something different. I
am here with some different view of RUMAL. 
I think RUMAL actually means like "Rise Uniformly and March Ahead with Loyalty". Whenever we wear a dress the only thing we always keep in our pocket apart from Money and Mobile is our Rumal. So it always makes me remember the above quote. 
I firmly believe that most of the time I remain sleeping and dreaming. And Whenever we want to do something bigger, it is not possible to do alone or without anyone's help which mean a uniformity is needed. And here march means moving in a straight line with discipline and synchronization. And we should always move forward or Ahead so that we can grow and develop. But in our life, apart from other qualities Loyalty is an important character which can't be neglected. 
I don't know or not counted but may be there is someone among you,  who so ever reading this article is like me or similiar to me still sleeping and dreaming. Thus this message is just for you.
No more time left. We are now 7teen and going to be 8teen. We have to rise up together making a uniformity and march ahead with Loyalty to bring a change in this world. We can fight or we can die for others but we can't change if the environment is not loyal to at least their own. We can change a thief to a police officer and a Chai wala to a PM if he/she is loyal to whatever they do but we can't change a lier to a gentleman. Loyalty means to be truth with atleast yourself not to show how much someone is dedicated. 
You, me are two different things which will never help to grow, it should be WE. Every work I do, every dream you enjoy should not be for only me and you. It should be for US for Everyone. We must be able to say its our dream and its our duty to "Rise up Uniformly and March together Ahead with Loyalty " for a better life, better family and better India.
At last but not the least. RUMAL is not just a piece of cloth you use to gift someone and that someone use to clean their lips, its a precious gift which always reminds us to be together, loving each other and Grow for Our future. 
Thank you
||  Jai Hind ||


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