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The White Hat Hackers

"The Quite You Become, 

The More You Able To Hear"

-----Kali Linux   

Most of the people define hacking as the process of gaining unauthorised access to a computer or network. Once this access is established, the hackers uses the attacked system to steal information or hack others system. "Hacking " had no negative connections like it does today , because people who hacked were actually seen as "practical jockers". They did not want to cause serious damage when hijacking computer systems like hackers nowadays. But  were more curious about the intricate details of a computing systems or were simply retaliating  against jokes promoted by their rivals.
No computer is "hackers proof " because someone devdeveloped those systems,  so that person who created them knows how to bypass anything in the system. 

Hollywood/ Bollywood has almost made the hackers seem popular in a sense,  portrayed as heroes in movies like the "Matrii, Sword Fish, White Devil and Hacked". Some guys gets on social medias make false claims about women they are a hacker and gain access to comprising info about a woman or even men also that could be very damaging to  her reputation in personal and life. They blackmail these men/women by asking to send money, bitcoin, property, nude photos, videos for their own benefit. They gain access to celebrities phones or in their personal accounts and come accross intimate photos of the celebrity and leak them to the public and also sometimes celebrity that will leak the photos themselves and blame it on a hacker etc. 

Almost most people believe that all hackers are the same because the word normally has a negative stigma associated with it. No one or company are safe from them even it ia ValuJet or NASA. Hacking has become powerful because of the ignorance on the point of companies and does not take it seriously or takes it too seriously. You need to study by yourself if youwant to be a hacker. You need to be an independent learner. You also need to establish your own hacking laboratories. You need to learn and practice. You need to stay on the good side. Ethical hackers are in a very high demand.

Today in this networking world every person must know the basic of hacking as like Phsing, cracking and hijacking etc. Every company buys best of the best hackers. Even every VIP or VVIP keeps a social network maintainer or hacker as a handler. Keep your device updated, secured and keep yourself safe & upgraded.

Remember best way of keeping your device secured is to



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