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World of Terrorism in India

"Let them fly sir, let them fulfill their last wish. Alpha ready to capture point 5, Devils are standby." 

"Permission denied. Wait for the command. ATC support granted for cover and GPS. COPIED".

PM entered the control room. DG military operations was asked to contact the CO. And PM switched on his mic.

"Commander sahab, kiya apko varosa hai aap anjam de payenge ?"

And the Major SF replied

 "Sir we were never taught to step back and reply with No. When I will shoot the last culprit, you will be the first one to know sir."

PM replied "Desh ki ummid aab bas aap par hai, Jai Hind."

And he signed the execution papers. 

When the IB, central intelligence lacked to give strong input and RAW failed to intercept satellite signals then the Lashkar-E-Toiba which is a Pakistan operated terrorist group and funded through Internet Service Intelligence executed the case of 26/11 in 2008 in one of the historical and famous hotel of Mumbai, the Hotel Taj.

Though only 10 terrorists executed the plan, was supported and helped by not only Pakistan but also Indians. RAW conformed that Pakistan has active sleeper cells in India without whom a major attack like 26/11 is never possible which started from Wednesday 26 November to Saturday 29th November 2008.

The same way in 2019 at Lethapora Puluwama the Jaish-E-Mohmad, a another Pakistani terrorist group managed to receive a huge amount of RDX and Ammonium Nitrate of about 80 KGs and 300 KGs of other explosives. It was totally pre planned as Indian forces and intelligence failed to find the source of those explosives. They targeted CRPF vehicles and killed 40 soldiers. 

The question is not why they did it but the question need to be investigated is how. If someone entered my home and stolen only my Rolex watch that means the thief knows about me, my daily routine and where I keep my watch. And if the thief is a outsider then there must be someone to inform or guide him. 

So, who will be the person that would support this terrorism and why ? 

Answer is soo simple. A lot of population where few cries for not having a billionaire father and few cries for being incapable to have morning meal. In such situations obviously the needy people will be agree to do anything for just money. They neither need of respect nor need of a shelter. They just need 3 times food. And mostly this group of people are targeted for the purpose of sleeper cells. We feel terrorists are uneducated or low mentality people, but honestly they are more capable then a us. But the difference is that they don't know how to use their capabilities. According to the US defence reports, Pakistani terrorists are well trained with ISI and other military base course like marine warfare, bomb planting or survival trainings.

According to me when a person passes their exams with good marks and have a sharp brain but can't stop applying their knowledge in every field. They are the most dangerous persons in the world. If we motivate them to fight against the enemies then they are "Few but Fearless" and if we motivate them to fight against our own people then they are the unstoppable machines. Because we get very less chance to apply our good talent but we get unlimited chances to apply our talent in a bad way and be a famous star.

If we want peace, if we want a happy life where there is no risk of losing life or taking someone's life then its us who have to give a motivation to the new youngster's. We have to work harder and harder so that they can never get a society where unnecessary topics exists. Today you are just a child, tommrow you a youth of this nation and then you will be one of the father/mothers of this nation. So you will have to teach your child, your students, your followers. That is how we can stop it. Organising people and fighting against it is not a solution. It is another result less war. 

We must learn to give responses not to react. Stopping it with peace is always better then taking a gun and starting a new war of terrorism because...

  || With a gun you can kill, you can not stop || 

                                  ||Jai Hind||


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